Saturday, August 30, 2008

Rough and Tumble!

Here we are Dragon Hawke and I lying on the sofa. Gabriel is lying on the floor beside the couch. We look so quiet and relaxed, but let My Lady say, "Let's go for a walk!" And everyone jumps up and runs to the door. She opens it, and Dragon Hawke and Gabriel rough and tumble down the long flight of stairs, but I sit at the top and wait until My Lady calls, "Come on, Kheldar!" Then, I walk down the long flight, hopping from one to the other. It is a long way for me, but I get there okay. We go into the garage then to get the leashes on and then out walking. We love that. However, the other day, when we were coming in and were getting the leashes off in the garage, I just went poking around and got left in there. Boy, that sure made an impression on me. I am right with the group going up the stairs, even if they bounce up and I go step by step, but I am NOT getting left in the garage ever again. Love from Kheldar, the Yorkie.

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