Saturday, August 30, 2008

Rough and Tumble!

Here we are Dragon Hawke and I lying on the sofa. Gabriel is lying on the floor beside the couch. We look so quiet and relaxed, but let My Lady say, "Let's go for a walk!" And everyone jumps up and runs to the door. She opens it, and Dragon Hawke and Gabriel rough and tumble down the long flight of stairs, but I sit at the top and wait until My Lady calls, "Come on, Kheldar!" Then, I walk down the long flight, hopping from one to the other. It is a long way for me, but I get there okay. We go into the garage then to get the leashes on and then out walking. We love that. However, the other day, when we were coming in and were getting the leashes off in the garage, I just went poking around and got left in there. Boy, that sure made an impression on me. I am right with the group going up the stairs, even if they bounce up and I go step by step, but I am NOT getting left in the garage ever again. Love from Kheldar, the Yorkie.

Friday, August 29, 2008

On My Pillow Again!

Oh, it is so very good to be back on my pillow and enjoying my place in the sun. My Lady is thrilled to have me back and happy, too. I never realized how really good I have it until I was locked in the garage by mistake. I realize some poor dogs have to live in a terrible place like that all alone. How sad. I am so very happy to have such great "parents" as My Lady and Gentle Sir. They take such good care of us and always try to make sure we are safe and well tended to, but on occasion strange things happen. I tell you that I will never get locked in the garage again. I am very careful when the leashes are taken off, and we ALWAYS go out on our leashes, but when they are removed, I am right with the other two dogs and go upstairs with My Lady. I make sure she knows I am there and no more hiding for the fun of it. Well, life is sure a lot better. Love from Kheldar, the Yorkie.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Much Better Today!

Went for our walk and did NOT get locked in the garage. Boy, I was really out with the others and ran up the stairs really quick. I was not going to get left behind again. I am really enjoying my carrots this morning, and My Lady has been petting me a great deal, too. I know she feels terrible that she left me in the garage; however, I usually run right out with Dragon Hawke, the Papillion, and with Gabriel, the Chinese Crested Puff and dash up the stairs, but yesterday I just was poking around in the garage. Of course, I am dark gray almost black and when the light is out in the garage, I can just blend right in so she did not see me and WHAM! I was locked inside and had to stay there for a long time alone and no breakfast. When she did finally find me, I was sure glad to get out of there and back in my nice apartment. I am going to go lie on my pillow for a while, but after I eat my carrots. Oh, it is good to be where I belong. Love from Kheldar, the Yorkie.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

A Panicky Time!

I had a TERRIBLE time yesterday! That is why I did not even get my posting done. We all went for our early morning walk and then I got locked in the garage! Imagine, I was all by myself and could not get out. I barked, of course, but the garage is way downstairs from the apartment and far enough away so that I could not be heard by My Lady upstairs. I missed my breakfast and felt awful, all by myself, crying and feeling lonesome. My Lady said that she looked and looked for me, thinking I was hiding some place, and finallly she thought to look in the garage. There I was very forlorn. She was so sorry, but I guess it really was my fault because the other two dogs ran upstairs and she thought I was with them. She thought I was just hiding, like I sometimes do, and was not ready to eat yet. Sometimes I am picky. However, when I got upstairs, finally, I did eat my breakfast late, but pouted and would not eat my carrots. I wanted her to know I was upset because I had been forgotten even if it might have been my own fault. Oh well, she felt awful and I know she will pay more attention if she can't find me easily. I do have to be more careful about hiding though and will be more on time when we all go upstairs. Now I can't get a photo in my blog! Oh, another awful day? What is going to happen next?Oh well, I tried and tried because I am persistent and finally got it done. It sure has not been my time in the sun, but I will try to do better now. Maybe I will go see if I can get my carrots. They do always make me feel better. I do like them a lot. It will make My Lady feel better, too. Love from Kheldar, the Yorkie.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Monday, August 25, 2008

My Photo on the Book!

Look familiar? This is the photo that will appear on the back of the book that My Lady, Great Lady, and Great Sir have written. They are getting the final editings done and the cover layout ready. That is what I was doing yesterday when I missed my blog writing. It is very exciting. They decided to put my picture on the back even though this book is not about me, but it is about the first dogs my people family had. The dog group started with a pedigreed wire haired fox terrier named Morna and a pound pup called Neenah. That is the title of the first chapter of the book. They started this whole thing. My Lady related stories from her past with the dogs and they are wonderful--both the stories and the dogs. It is a really nice book for young adults and up and all dog lovers for sure. These two first dogs paved the way for others in the book and eventually the eleven dogs that will be featured in the other volumes. Finally, a later volume will will be about me! As of now, however, I am busy with the blog and can't get to the later volumes yet. We hope to get Volume 1 out very soon. It is really coming together and will be great. On the back of the fantastic cover is an article about the authors, and since My Lady is one of them, in her bio it is mentioned that I have a blog and my address is mentioned along with my photo. Hope to get more readers for the blog and for the book. As soon as it is printed, I will let you know. Be watching for it. Love from Kheldar, the Yorkie.