Monday, August 25, 2008

My Photo on the Book!

Look familiar? This is the photo that will appear on the back of the book that My Lady, Great Lady, and Great Sir have written. They are getting the final editings done and the cover layout ready. That is what I was doing yesterday when I missed my blog writing. It is very exciting. They decided to put my picture on the back even though this book is not about me, but it is about the first dogs my people family had. The dog group started with a pedigreed wire haired fox terrier named Morna and a pound pup called Neenah. That is the title of the first chapter of the book. They started this whole thing. My Lady related stories from her past with the dogs and they are wonderful--both the stories and the dogs. It is a really nice book for young adults and up and all dog lovers for sure. These two first dogs paved the way for others in the book and eventually the eleven dogs that will be featured in the other volumes. Finally, a later volume will will be about me! As of now, however, I am busy with the blog and can't get to the later volumes yet. We hope to get Volume 1 out very soon. It is really coming together and will be great. On the back of the fantastic cover is an article about the authors, and since My Lady is one of them, in her bio it is mentioned that I have a blog and my address is mentioned along with my photo. Hope to get more readers for the blog and for the book. As soon as it is printed, I will let you know. Be watching for it. Love from Kheldar, the Yorkie.

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