Wednesday, July 23, 2008

A New Toy!

The dogs each were brought a special new squeaky toy by Gentle Sir. Dragon Hawke just loves his toy. It is fabric with stuffing in it and a squeak that irks everyone. It must be truly wonderful when all three dogs squeak their toys at once. Great Lady could even hear Dragon Hawke squeaking his over the phone, and she said, "Oh, let's hope the squeak doesn't last long." My Lady was taking them out for walks, and Dragon Hawke brought his toy to the door, but My Lady said, "No toys go outside." Finally, he had to leave it behind, but grabbed it the minute he came in the door. Maybe he can get his picture taken with his new toy, and I will show it to you next week. Gabriel likes his toy, too, but I still like my blue one's funny shape, and it is one I can shake hard. Grrrr. Love from Kheldar, the Yorkie.

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