Thursday, October 30, 2008

Meet Cody the Golden Retriever!

Here is a picture of Commander Cody who was in the Fulltime RV blog and was swimming in the surf. He is my Uncle's dog and comes to visit Great Lady and Great Sir often and comes to visit us, too. He lives all the time in a motor home and travels around the USA. That is a different life. He is a great pheasant hunter and can retrieve them anywhere, rarely ever missing a bird. Uncle is a big hunter and spent time in South Dakota where there are lots of those beautiful birds. Now Cody is traveling in California and Arizona and has time to swim and have fun instead of working now when he usually would be hunting. He sure can find a bird in tall grass or corn or retrieve a stick in the water or, in fact, anything else tossed out there for him to bring back. Of course, that is what retrievers do. He sure is a great dog. Will write more tomorrow. Love from Kheldar, the Yorkie.

1 comment:

Rick and Orinda said...

Glad to see Cody gets a cameo appearance on the blog! Keep up the good work.
