Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Two Books Done!

Can you believe it? My Lady, Great Lady, and Great Sir have finished writing two books to be published! They are now waiting for the final proof copies to be sent, and if they are okay, they will get the books printed and done to be on sale at Amazon.com. If all goes well, I will let you know when that occurs. Right now they are ecstatic! I am sure you can imagine how exciting it is for the three of them. You know that My Lady is the creative one in the partnership and comes up with the ideas and most of the dialogue, Great Lady is the editor and writer for publication of the manuscripts, and Great Sir is the business manager and final editor of the books. They really work well together and have several more books as well as two more volumes for each of the books they have written already almost all set for the final editing.They will work to send for their proof copies, too, if the first ones sell at all. Well, it has been pretty hectic here for the last few days with all the phone calls and final decisions. My Lady has always wanted to be considered a "professional author" and now she is one. I can't wait to see a copy of "Hear What Your Dog Says!" and a copy of "Crossbreed" on our coffee table soon. Tell you more about them in the near future. Love from Kheldar, the Yorkie.

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