Friday, November 21, 2008

Proof Copy Looks Good!

The proof copy of Hear What Your Dog Says! looks good at first glance, so after we peruse it once more, we will order the book to be published and available at I want you to know that my photo, this one, is on the back of the book where the authors are listed with a little blurb about them. I belong to one of the three authors, My Lady, who is really Linda, and she takes the pictures of me, Gabriel, and Dragon Hawke for the blog, sends them via the computer to Great Lady, LaVerne (a.k.a. Bunny) and she is my amanuensis, doing the writing for me as I tell her to do. Therefore, my blog address is on the back of all their books. Great Sir, Thomas, is the business manager and final editor of this trio, but he doesn't have anything to do with the blog. He is not too fond of computers even though he can use them. The trio sure do produce good books, especially this one about dogs. It is getting really close to being fully PUBLISHED FOR SALE! Give them another few days for the final reading, but it really looks very good. I think it is ready, but they have the final say. How exciting it is. I want one book to be sold because then they will be PROFESSIONAL AUTHORS! You do know that you can be an author, but selling a book for money makes one a professional author. I don't do too much with writing the books, but I sure do tell people about them and about the terrific authors. More tomorrow! Love from Kheldar, the Yorkie.

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