Thursday, July 31, 2008

Good Carrots!

Glad My Lady is feeling better, and I am back on my routine again. I have had my big meal of dry food, and when I am finished eating it, I go to see My Lady who will give me a little carrot. They are small, but so am I. I usually get three carrots, one at a time and must finish one before I get the next one. Gosh, they are sure good--just good fresh, crispy carrots. No wonder I have such a shiny coat and sparkling eyes! Dragon Hawke seems fine today, but still is pouting over losing what he thought was a providential meal. Sometimes what we think is just terrific can turn out to be very bad for us. Glad My Lady knows which is which. She says that the Lord provides and watches over us. If she says so, it is true. I am glad the Lord got me into her care though. I am sure blessed. Love from Kheldar, the Yorkie.

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