Thursday, September 4, 2008

Still Waiting!

I am still waiting for Great Lady and Great Sir. It has been a long time, but they are worth it. They have had to come a long way I understand, but they will be staying here for a couple of weeks so we will have a ball. I can't wait, but I guess I will have to. My Lady is just in a twit she is so thrilled to have them coming. They are a very close family, you know, and I would not be anywhere if it were not for Great Lady. She has a special way with dogs. She, My Lady, and Great Sir have written a book together and are waiting for the proof copy right now. Imagine that! As soon as they get the proof copy, and that should be in a few days or next week, they will go over it together and then it should be ready for publication. I am so excited about that! I am anxious to hear all about the first dogs that My Lady had way back when. I will let you know as soon as the book is ready. Will write more when I can. Love from Kheldar the Yorkie.

1 comment:

Valerie said...

I am so excited to hear that you have family coming to visit. That is always fun! I am also anxious to see your family's book come out. I am sure it will be a fun read.