Thursday, September 18, 2008

Here Is the Culprit!

This is Gabriel, the Chinese Crested Puff, looking guilty because he is. He took my bright green stuffed toy that Great Lady and Great Sir brought for me, and he chewed it all up to get the squeaker out of it and got the stuffing all over the house. My Lady asked, "How could you have destroyed Kheldar's nice toy?" Gabriel said, "There was a mouse inside it, a rodent that was going to hurt you so I had to save your life." He was disappointed that it was only a plastic squeaker, but still thought he had done a good deed. Well, I won't forget this catastrophe for a while yet, and Gabriel will have to apologize to me. I still have the life-less shell of the toy, but it is not the same. Gabriel says, "I know it was a viscious mouse and if you can't appreciate what I did for you, there is no justice in the world." Kheldar reconsidered and said, "Well, I won't treat your toys so well either. I am still upset. I do love all the rest of you though. Love from Kheldar, the Yorkie.

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