Monday, September 15, 2008

Editing the Book!

Here are Gabriel, Dragon Hawke, and I watching My Lady, Great Lady, and Great Sir working on the book. They are busy rereading the last few chapters, editing them, and adding a bit to fill out the ideas that needed revising. It won't be long now until they can send in the copy for the proof book for the final check. It seems to be a great deal of work and takes a lot of time to get everything just so. Well, threesomes are always good. We three dogs do very well together. What one doesn't think of the other two do. The same way with the three authors. They really work at it, and enjoy doing it, too. They promised to be back tomorrow and will try to finish it. I will be glad when that is done so they can all pay more attention to us. Of course, My Lady takes care of us first, no matter what. I like Great Sir and Great Lady to play with us, too. Maybe tomorrow will be better. Then, they will be leaving soon. I will really miss them, and I know My Lady will be lonely then and will really need my love. Until tomorrow, Love from Kheldar, the Yorkie.

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