Sunday, December 21, 2008

Hiding Under My Santa Pillow!

Here I am with my head just sticking out from under my Santa pillow. You can even see Santa's hand and he is getting ready for Christmas Eve. I hope I get some good presents for Christmas. I work really hard and am generally a very good blogger. I try to be faithful to my posting, but some days I just so busy I have a hard time doing it. I was thrilled to hear that our book, and I call it our book, because my photo and the blog address is on the back of each copy, is being sold at and the EStore. It just got on and right away we had two books sold. It is exciting to wonder who bought those books. Great Lady and Great Sir were asked to sign some books they had gotten early for their grand children because they hope they will be able to take one to Italy where they are stationed and Iraq when they go since they are in the U. S. Air Force. Now that is exciting. Think of a book with my photo on it in Italy and Iraq. Another book will go to South Dakota where a grand daughter lives, so she will get a signed copy, too. Of course, My Lady's grandsons and her son and his wife will each get one signed and one will be sent to Daughter V when she moves to Maryland. Of course, I understand that people all over the world could actually buy a copy from and be reading it. Wouldn't that be exciting? It is a nice story about a loving family and their dogs, especially a little girl who gets her first dog at a dog shelter, eventually have eleven dogs, and they tell about their many adventures. It is a dog lover's book. "Hear What Your Dog Says!" If you really connect with your dog, you probably can "hear" what he says and many dogs sure can "hear" you. I know that I hear and understand everything and even keep track of all this stuff so I can tell my amanuensis, and she can write this blog for you. Hope you will be hearing from me soon and reading the book. Love from Kheldar, the Yorkie.

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