Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Dragon Hawke Was Naughty!

Dragon Hawke was naughty today! My Lady was talking to Great Lady on the phone after taking us all out for our walk. All of a sudden, Dragon Hawke went over to the pretty glass vase full of red and gold Christmas ornaments that sits right next to the sansiveria plant there by the fire place, lifted his leg, and wet on the vase! My Lady was aghast! DRAGON HAWKE, NO! WHAT ARE YOU DOING! She was sitting right there on the sofa across from the fireplace and she saw him just go and do it! She even has a piddle pad in the bedroom in a corner just in case they are gone too long or there is an emergency for one of us, but this was just a case of showing his stubborn independence. Sometimes he can be very much of a willful wise guy who will just show off. It is one thing to be a puppy and not know what you are doing, but he is five and sure has been trained. He knows that it just was not a good thing to do. She had to Lysol and clean everything, and here we are expecting company tomorrow. She has worked to have the carpets cleaned and everything just right. Then, this! Well, he will be non gratia for a while. I am much younger, but I sure know better than that! Hope you have a nice Thanksgiving. Love from Kheldar, the Yorkie.

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