Saturday, October 4, 2008

A Strained Wrist!

I am very sad because Great Lady and Great Sir have left. My Lady has been very lost, too. We had such fun together when they were here. I also have had a major problem; you must have noticed I have not written for a couple of weeks. Great Lady strained her right arm going up and down our stairway every day, sometimes twice each way, for all the time they were here and she, Great Sir, and My Lady reedited the book for a final time with many changes so Great Lady, who is the typist and editor, had a great deal of work to do. As a result, she strained her wrist so badly that she could not use it at all for a long time. Needless to say, my amanuensis, could not write my blog for me. Of course, I tell her what to say, and she does the typing, so that is why I have been missing. Please know that I will try to get back in the groove again and let's hope her wrist gets totally better soon so she will not have to wear that brace. So much has happened that I want to tell you all about it. Love from Kheldar, the Yorkie.

1 comment:

Valerie said...

Glad to see you are blogging again. I was so sorry to hear about Great Lady's wrist. I hope it will be feeling all better soon.

Looking forward to reading more!